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  • Writer's pictureKari deBoer

Emery’s Birth Story

My second born.

Early last year we found out we were pregnant! We we’re so excited! At that point we had been trying for baby number two for months and I was beginning to think it would take forever. At the start of my second pregnancy I was worried I had a prolapsed bladder, and did the worst thing possible and used Dr.Google. Mistake- don’t do it! I repeat don’t do it! We started with visits at the hospital for our doctors appointments till I got the clear that it was not a prolapse. That I was considered to have a “normal” pregnancy. I got the clear and I decided to again give birth at the birthing house. My anxiety was high because of the hemorrhage that happened when I had my first. So I believe that is a huge reason I ended up carrying so long this time round. I ended up delivering Emery at 40 weeks and 13 days. If you decide to deliver at the birthing house they are only allowed to have you deliver there until 42 weeks. This was the last day I had to deliver there- as planned. If things had went any other way that day I would have been moved to the hospital to deliver by midnight. Thankfully our little guy arrived at 8 pm with just a few hours to spare.

When I tell you I was doing and trying EVERYTHING humanly possible to get this baby out so I could deliver as planned I did EVERYTHING! I ate the things, I drank the drinks, I walked, we had sex, I pumped, I bounced on the ball, I did yoga, even a couple rounds of acupuncture! I drank the herbs and even caster oil. I waited as long as I could before taking the caster oil. I so SO did not want to have to take that route. Literally nothing was helping! I was getting such bad anxiety thinking of having to deliver any other way than I planned for. Finally he decided to join us!

I started having contractions on and off again. We already had a appointment planned with my midwife that day at 4 pm. I ended up going in a little earlier that day because of the contractions. Of corse by the time I got to the birthing house my contractions had almost stopped. They were still there but not even close to labor contractions.

I was so frustrated! They wanted to give me an IV and a bag of fluids knowing I was probably dehydrated from the caster oil and those FUN side effects that come with it. Being dehydrated can stop contractions. I told the midwife I wanted the IV in my hand (for some reason I can tolerate a needle there but have a hard time with it anywhere else) and she hesitantly attempted it there. It didn’t work so she put one on my wrist, on the side. In my opinion the worst place for an IV. I was not thrilled. Soon my contractions picked up a little with me just relaxing. We decided to break my water. I told Eelke that he should go get something to eat because of how slow everything had been moving. I didn’t want us to both be exhausted and tired. Soon as Eelke left I could feel the contractions really picking up. [I just want to note that my husband is a smart guy, he went and got food and sat and ate in the car so I wouldn’t smell it. Any woman in labor would appreciate a move like that!] After he ate and came in I asked him to ask when I could get in the tub. They wanted me to be in active labor (having consistent labor contractions) before I could get in. But they hadn’t came in to check me for some time, and I could tell my contractions had quickly became labor contractions. They came in and I told them where I was at and I got to get in the tub. One of my biggest complaints this time round was having the IV in my wrist and planning on having a water birth, my midwife said when I asked about it to “just not get it wet”.. okay in the bath.. delivering a baby.. and I am supposed to be keeping my arm out of the bath?? It wasn’t ideal and I would change that given the chance. Anyways, after getting in the bath my contractions were so strong. I told Eelke to call our Doula who had been waiting in town for the call. She showed just in time to see the main event. I had been watching the clock as I was feeling contractions get stronger and stronger. Each time I’ve delivered I’ve had a moment in my mind where it hit me and I ask myself why I chose to have a all natural water birth.. why didn’t I just take the “easy route” and get an epidural and driver in the hospital. But I quickly correct my mindset and tell myself we’re made to do this. The pain is temporary. The pain is worth it. I asked for the Nitrogen (the only “pain” relief they offer there) but used it once and felt like I was going to hurl. I wanted it as far away from me as possible! I yelled to Eelke for a bowl and thought for sure something was coming up. False alarm. Finally my body was ready to push. I pushed and some poo happened. Eelke went to grab the net that they use to keep the water clean, and by the time he came back I had to push again. A hard push and yelled at Eelke to get the midwife! He thought at first I was asking him to get her because I didn’t want him on poo duty but that wasn’t the case. I could feel the baby coming out! They came in the room and didn’t even have time to change to scrubs, it was happening now! I pushed again and he was coming. She said she could see him and I that I needed to push again. I was pushing as hard as I thought I could. At that point I was sitting in the tub, pushing. She asked me to flip over and push and with that I felt her hand ”helping” deliver him. THE WORST. But it was a short moment before he was there. From starting to push to holding him it was 5 short minutes. Pulled him out of the water and laid him on me. Eelke cut the cord. Then he did skin to skin with our little Emery while I finished what I had to do. Because I hemorrhaged with my first we had a plan set so that we could do our best to not let that happen again. I got a shot of pitocin, and they followed it with another shot that I can’t remember the name of. My midwife was pushing on my stomach and pushing on my stomach to watch my bleeding. It was so painful, I hate the stomach massage afterwards. Luckily this time as I was sitting in the tub my placenta was already coming out without pushing so that was a huge relief to me! No one tells you about having to birth the placenta after you deliver your baby! Why aren’t more people talking about that? That and the massage! I was unprepared the first time!

I made my way to the bed where I got Emery and relaxed for a little before they came back in and assed if I needed stitches, fluids or anything. After that they check the baby out. Take his measurements and weight. He was a whopping 10.8 pounds, and 22” Mom-no stitches! I was so happy about that! Bleeding was considered normal, another thing I was relieved to hear. I ate and rested before we made our way home.

This time a family of four.

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