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  • Writer's pictureKari deBoer

Elias's Birth Story

I did a poll on Instagram, and had really good feedback about wanting to hear our birth story. Personally, I love hearing other peoples stories with each being SO different. I think I am going to back track and start with our first born,

I was 9 days over due with our first. I didn't think to much about being overdue with it being pretty normal for first time mommas to carry a little longer. We planned on having a all natural water birth from the start. I always told myself I wanted to do it that way. When it was finally time to start planning I will say that it all seemed so different.. almost intimidating to deliver that way and not just do the "normal" hospital birth. I opted out of a home birth because we live so far out I wanted to be close to the hospital for the comfort. I looked up a couple places that did water birth locally and found Around The Circle Midwifery. Eelke and I went in and got a full tour. We decided that day that I was going to switch my care over. It is such a different world. The care I got was so much more personal. Feels like you're visiting a friend. I mean at your appointments you're literally sitting on a couch in a beautiful old house! A different world for sure.
The day of. The baby had not been moving as often as it had been and the midwife wanted me to come in to check the baby. She had me drink some juice so the baby would get some sugar. Hooked me up to the monitor which consists of some tape and straps. Then we sat for 20 minutes. Baby was fine and moving. Our Midwife said I was actually having consistent contractions and suggested we go to town and get something to eat and walk around. I could feel the contractions, but I did not think that it was go time yet. But by the time we got to the restaurant my contractions were A LOT stronger and so painful I didn't even want to walk in. We quickly decided we should head back. When we got back they checked me and I cant remember if they told me what I was at or not. I was so in my head with the pain. I called my best friend and she came and joined us in the room. I want to mention the room. The room has a bed, a bed bed not a hospital bed. A tub, and a little bathroom. Yoga balls, and a door that leads to a little deck. You can dim the lights and put on your own music. I love that I wasn't strapped into a hospital bed with IVs and a gown. Like I said before such a different world! I was laying in the bed with consistent and strong contractions. I cant remember how we came to the decision to break my water, but we did. That was such a weird feeling. You cant feel the actual action of the break, just the (GRAPHIC WARNING STARTS HERE, YUCKY DETAILS COMING) release of warm water coming out. I was laying at the time but soon as I stood up I really felt it. Soon after that I got into the bath. I got out a couple times trying to poop because my two biggest fears going into birth were shitting in the water, and tearing. Spoiler alert both happened. I didn't know about either happening till after the fact. I asked for the nitrous which is the only "pain relief” they offer at the birthing house. I used it for what felt like five minutes before my body was telling me to push. The Midwife acted surprised that I was at the pushing stage. I was listening to my body and I couldn't not at that point. So it started. I can't remember how long I was pushing for but I don't think it was to long.. funny how your mind blocks out the pain portion after some time passes. In my opinion when you start pushing it’s a lot less painful than dealing with the contractions up to that point. I will always remember Eelkes face when he saw the head coming out and he looks at me and says "BABE, I know why you had such had heartburn" The baby had a full head of hair. Dark dark hair. Old wise tale is that if you have heartburn during pregnancy the baby will have hair. That one was true! And soon after, the pushing was over and HE was here. I am happy we waited to find out the sex. The biggest surprise. Our little Elias.
They handed him to me and laid him on my chest. And quickly drained the water in the tub. Eelke cut the cord and they handed the baby to him. Everything was happening so quickly at this point. I was bleeding and at the time I did not know that it wasn't normal bleeding. After delivering the placenta (which no one tells you about) my bleeding didn't stop so they gave me a shot of Pitocin, which helps your body contract and the bleeding to slow. I got the fun "massage" as they like to call it.. which I think is cruel. They push on your stomach and make sure things are out, asses the bleeding and check your uterus. Then we moved to the bed where I got my stitches. Eelke walked around doing skin to skin with Elias. The sweetest moment to see. After I was stitched up, they left us to rest. Our midwife came back in and checked the baby out, taking all his measurements, weight, all the things. They do it all right on the bed with you. I was asked to try and eat something to get my energy back up, and given two rounds of fluids. I still wasn't able to walk to the bathroom unassisted. I tried and collapsed. I was weak from loosing so much blood (at the time I didn't know I had lost more than normal). I spent some time on the floor trying to not pass out. I was able to finally get up and get to the bed again after using the bathroom. Then, Eelke left to get food. It is recommended that you pack some food, and I did not plan that part well. Something I would plan better for the next time. After Eelke returned and I forced myself to eat. Soon after we were able to go home. I was so exhausted and happy to be home. Typically after delivery at the birth house you are sent home within a few hours. I stayed longer to be monitored because the bleeding. You have to go back for a check up 24 hours later and at my check up is when I found out that I had hemorrhaged. The bleeding that happen was not "normal". It really took me down for WEEKS afterwards making healing and enjoying our new beginning a lot rougher than I expected. It was a long journey BUT an amazing one. I love being a momma.
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